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The Numbers to Becoming a Millionaire

Understanding Personal Finance: What it takes to save $1,000,000 T here’s something about having $1,000,000 that garners people’s attention — like a magnet, that big round number can’t help but attract your eyes. It’s a number that people associate with having wealth. Something about turning 6 digits in an account into 7 captivates the American population; it’s a far away goal that is just close enough that many people inadvertently strive to reach that number. Which makes sense, being a millionaire is quite a common occurrence. About 11 million Americans are considered millionaires, sounds crazy high right? Compared to the population of the US (325 million) that’s about 3.4% of the American population. In some areas it’s more extreme, 13% of New York City’s population are millionaires , the highest concentration of “High Net Worth” individuals in the world. That’s 11 million people that have reached the $1,000.000 goal. So how far fetch could something be if 11

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